Tips For A Healthy Halloween

Establishing healthy habits at a young age is important. The habits your kids develop now, will last for years to come! However, with Halloween here it can be tough to stick to healthy habits with Halloween candy around. Here are some tips to make this Halloween your healthiest yet!
Portion Size.

  1. Portion Size

    Portion size is everything when it comes to children developing healthy habits that will stick with them for life. Allow your kids to eat their Halloween candy in small doses and a single serving size shouldn’t be more than 100 calories. This will allow them to still enjoy a treat, while keeping in mind that their stomachs are small and so should their portion sizes. This will also teach them about moderation and that they can still enjoy something sweet, but that they don’t have to eat everything at once.

  2. Swap Candy for Toys

    Rather than handing out Halloween candy, switch candy out for Halloween toys like temporary tattoos, stickers and plastic jewelry.
    Be Creative.

  3. Home Baking

    If you are throwing a Halloween party, replace bowels of candy with homemade healthy treats! You can make ghost-like treats using bananas and chocolate chips, or goblins with apples, peanut butter and almonds. Pinterest has lots of ideas for healthy Halloween inspired treats that your guests will love.

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